Lorraine Simonds - Canada


Lorraine is an award-winning portrait artist based near Vancouver, BC. Canada. She is a member of several organizations including being an Exhibiting Member of the Federation of Canadian Artists, and has served as a Juror including the 5th Annual Women in Watercolor International Juried Competition. Her work is featured in private collections across North America and Southeast Asia.

Her journey began in Plymouth, England, where she taught herself to draw from books and practiced on the English Moorlands. She developed her skills in portraiture with acrylics and oils and formalized her understanding of contrast, focus, and composition through film photography at Plymouth College of Art & Design, later earning a BA in Fine Art from the University of Leeds.

Lorraine's professional background in hospitality involving branding, marketing, photography and graphic design, combined with her adult education in biblical counseling, travels and extensive volunteer work, uniquely shapes her approach to portraiture. Her work captures the essence of our shared humanity, conveying the beauty and struggles that unite us all.

Her distinctive approach and diverse experiences enable her to create emotive and moving portraits, making her a standout artist in her field.

Lorraine's Testimony: 

Rockwell Watercolours are not only quality pigments that are of a quality that rewet wonderfully but create innovative products that are exciting to work with that I’ve experienced like no other. With my loose and fluid style, their self-evolving pigments play with water in such a way that can reignite your inspiration from the hardest artist blocks. Watching these pigments dance with each other is an absolute joy to watch and enriches my painting process, allowing for jaw-dropping spontaneity and surprises.












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